Is it Cubas culture or economy?
What encapsulates the existence of Cubans more, their economy or culture?
Cuba’s economy and government have all outsiders, especially Americans, hyper-fixated on their way of living; however, there is a lot more to their way of living that can not be explained through the numbers of their economy; this is their culture. Traveling to Cuba firsthand and learning about the government and economic structure through professors and government workers fulfilled all the questions pertaining to income, foreign relations, rations, etc. However, the answers to all the questions on who Cubans are were left unanswered; the actions of sitting, walking, and watching are required to fulfill questions of this category. After exploring the progression of their music, studying their art, speaking with vendors, and observing people existing amongst one another on the streets, one is able to understand what fully encapsulates the lives of Cubans. When trying to understand a country, its economic structure and government are imperative aspects to recognize (they greatly affect the citizens), but understanding a country's culture creates a deeper understanding of who the country is, not just what. Cuba is not just a group of people performing based on numbers, but rather a group of souls performing their culture.
January 2025